About us

Phone: (0045) 4465 2277

E-mail: eco@dndt.dk

Birkekrogen 5
DK-4000 Roskilde

Fax: (0045) 4465 2276
CVR: 30 55 23 93

Sales engineer M.IDA

Peter Hansen

Phone: (0045) 2360 5765
E-mail: ph@dndt.dk


Areas of expertise: Visual inspection (endo-, video- and microscopes), magnet/penetrant testing, roughness- and thickness testing and UV lamps.

Sales consultant

Jasper Trapp

Phone: (0045) 2156 3010
E-mail: jt@dndt.dk

Areas of expertise: Ultrasound, eddy current, x-ray, magnet/penetrant testing, hardness-, thickness-, and roughness testing.


Information & Finance MSc

Carsten Hansen

Phone: (0045) 2990 3556
E-mail: ch@dndt.dk

Responsible for: Information, marketing, finance, order and webshop handling.